Monday, February 7, 2011

Our 8th Wedding Anniversary

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There's a wedding anniversary brewing up just around the corner...hmmm.... (guessed it right?) it's our 8th wedding anniversary tomorrow --February 8. (Happy Anniversary Daddy!)

I chose to insert a picture of a cup of coffee because most of the time, we talk to our hubby or friend over a cup of coffee. Making a marriage work and trying to make it last is not easy. All married couples go through a stage when they feel that it seems that their marriage is always at the edge and any minute it's going to crash. There are times when we feel that no matter what we do he doesn't seem to care and perhaps we were not aware of this before but that was the same feeling that he had.

When our marriage was just starting and even until we had our babies, I felt that I was just following a path and I didn't know where it's heading. I was just doing what I had to because there wasn't any choice. Married life was like a trap; a dead end. When my boys were starting to grow up (now 4 and 5 years old! whew! how time really flies). I started to see that when something doesn't turn out right it's not because my husband is a failure, my choice of entering marriage is a mistake or as a wife I'm a failure; nobody is a failure. It all depends on how you look at things...

We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”Frederick Keonig quotes
We should look beyond hatred, disappointment, regret and other negative feelings. Let's focus on what really matters. Never get tired of speaking up your mind; communication is the secret to all successful relationships. Marriage, you see is like coffee... sometimes it's a bit bitter, sometimes it's sweet... it depends on how you make it. 

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