Friday, January 14, 2011

Whole Wheat Pancake

As a mom, I make sure that I provide my family, specially my kids the right kinds of food that will help them grow healthy. I find the task of going to the market and grocery rewarding because I get the chance to choose what’s right for my family. A plus is the enjoyment of checking out the shelves for something new. Yesterday afternoon, I toured the grocery to shop for goodies to prepare for my kids’ “baon” (packed food) for school. Look what I found….
Our family loves pancakes! Well, who doesn’t? It is nutritious, yummy and so quick and easy to prepare. Now, it’s made even more nutritious with MAYA’s Think Heart Whole Wheat Pancake Mix. I’ve been buying MAYA Pancake Mix for so many years and I’m so glad that I found this new addition to MAYA’s line of Pancake Mixes. I believe in the benefits of whole wheat, so I buy different baked goodies with whole wheat.
Here are some of the benefits of whole wheat:
  • Women Who Eat Whole Grains Weigh LessReduce Risk of Metabolic Syndrome
  • Substantially Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk
  • Whole Wheat's Betaine Lessens Chronic Inflammation
  • Whole Grains Help Prevent Gallstones
  • Gets You Going
  • Women's Health and Gastrointestinal Health
  • Fiber from Whole Grains and Fruit Protective against Breast Cancer
  • Highly Protective against Childhood Asthma
  • Prevent Heart Failure with a Whole Grains Breakfast

MAYA’s Think Heart Whole Wheat Pancake Mix is also fun to prepare and can promote family bonding. It could also help enhance your child’s creativity by fixing up their own food using MAYA Pancake Mix. I prepared ours with my kids favorite candy coated chocolate and chocolate pretzels...

And some freshly cut fruits...     

Or you could serve them in separate plates and have fun!

My kids love them! So to all mommies out there let your kids try whole wheat pancakes for a healthy and fun meal.

For more information about whole wheat check out:


Clair said...

Oooh! Wholewheat pancake mix. I didn't know until I read this. Thanks for sharing. I was able to buy wholewheat flour so I might make some pancakes from scratch one time. But this is handy. Nice find :D

Cristine said...

Hi Clair, I'm glad you like my post and found it helpful. It's also nice to prepare pancakes from scratch though, because you could experiment in different flavors but if you're kinda in a hurry (like me, always, 'coz i'm a working mom)pancake mixes are really great. =)